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Levallois Necklace

Excluding VAT
  • Handmade pendant using a replica levallois core made by James to create a mould. Prepared or “Levallois” cores were created by Neanderthals to produce flakes of a predetermined shape and size with a razor sharp cutting edge. These flakes were used for cutting tools, projectile points and scrapers after some retouch. This type of technology demonstrates Neanderthals had a very good grasp of complex stone tool production.

    *Original flint core not included.

    Pendants come in Pewter (pure Cornish tin) or Bronze.

    *Current batch of Bronze necklaces are 'seconds' as they have some additional casting textures (as photographed). Although this is subtle and could be seen to add character and a uniqueness, the flaws have been accounted for and reflected in their price.

    Chain Length: 18" | Pendant Size: 3-4cm


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