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 All replicas are made to order and AncientCraft will dispatch your item(s) as soon as practicably possible. Replica's will normally be sent to you in under 40 working days. International orders are generally received in under 60 days.



Baltic Amber

Excluding VAT
  • Baltic Amber was has been used for art work and ornamentation since the Mesolithic in North Western Europe and would have been a highly prized material. It has been used for jewellery, animal figurines, dagger pommels and many other artefact types including the famous Hove amber cup..

    Our sea washed amber is perfect for creating amber pendants & other types of personal ornamentation. You will recieve approximately 6-8 pieces in a 30g bag.

  • In order for me to appropriately tailor the replica to best suit your needs, It is important for me to understand what you wish to use the replica for.

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