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Flintknapping Kits (Antler Hammer & Pressure Flaker)
Two of the most important tools in a flintknapper’s arsenal is the antler hammer for making thin tools, and the pressure flaker for sharpening and arrowhead production. These pieces of red deer antler are carefully selected and cut to be used for flaking. Antler is expensive to source currently due to its use in the dog chew/toy trade.
- Small antler hammers are suitable for thinning small flake tools, arrowhead blanks or finishing larger bifaces.
- Medium hammers are suited to the intermediate phases of thinning of large bifaces such as spear heads, handaxes etc.
- Large hammers for best used for removing large thinning flakes once a roughout have been created using hammerstones.
Each set includes an antler hammer and pressure flaker.
Approximately 15-30cm in length.