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All replicas are made to order and AncientCraft will dispatch your item(s) as soon as practicably possible. Replica's will normally be sent to you in under 40 working days. International orders are generally received in under 60 days.


Replicas such as full spears, arrows and harpoons will incur high postage costs due to length.


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Microlith Arrow

Excluding VAT
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  • Microliths are well-known Mesolithic tool types that are thought to have been used as projectile and harpoon barbs. Derived from a blade, these tiny implements can range in size from a few cm to a few mm in size! 3 x microliths are supplied.

    Approximately 1-3cm in length.

  • A full arrow, tipped and barbed with microliths in the Mesolithic style. Several archaeological examples found show the microliths were inset into a groove and glued in place at the tip and down the side of an arrow shaft.

    Approximately 60-70cm in length.


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